Literary genius and parental loss
genialidad, creatividad, orfandad, apoyo social, resilienciaAbstract
Eminent writers, like Dante Alighieri, John R. R. Tolkien, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, León Tolstoi and many others, as well as artists, presidents, scientists, entrepeneurs and pioneers, have lost their parents in early stages. They achieved universal acknowledgement for their creativity and transcended their time.
This preliminar and exploratory paper will be focused in the relation between literary genius and parental loss,applied to an eminent writer, that transcended his age and had public recognition for decades, due to his talent and repercussion: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. His books were translated internationally and editors have published his work in different formats and translations.
Attachment figures, support of masters, colleagues and intimate friends will be highlighted, as well as his wife role. Resilience during his life span will be emphasized, in addition to his genius and creativity
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