Sensory and Emotional Processes in Religious and Atheistic Spiritualities
sensory processes, religious spirituality, atheistic spirituality, emotional processesAbstract
The author is aware of the importance of intelligent thinking and will, for the experience of values and spirituality. But what this work is concerned with will not be about these potentials of the human being, but with the sensitivity and feelings that have frequently tended to be underestimated, although there has also been, in recent decades, a rediscovery of their importance by of both scientific and philosophical psychological research. The main objectives of this work can be summarized in three: a) To provide an answer to the question about what is understood by spirituality, both within the framework of a religious worldview, as well as an atheist one; b) Show the growing psychological interest regarding spirituality; and c) Offer testimonies of experiences of spirituality in illustrious personalities –mainly scientific– linked to different worldviews and different personality styles.Downloads
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