One Hundred Years of Psychotherapy: The Future of an Illusion or an Illusory Future?




psychotherapy, postmodernity


This paper addresses the challenges that psychotherapy faces in the context of the so called postmodern condition, after one hundred years in the history of psychotherapy. A brief review of the main psychotherapeutic approaches is presented from a cultural and stylistic viewpoint. An attempt to elucidate the definition of the term postmodern is discussed, together with a warning against the potentially ambivalent effects of advocating some forms of postmodern psychotherapy. Finally, from a more afirmative position, a sketch of what could be the main postmodern challenges for psychotherapy is presented.


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How to Cite

Botella, L., & Figueras, S. (1995). One Hundred Years of Psychotherapy: The Future of an Illusion or an Illusory Future?. Revista de Psicoterapia, 6(24), 13–28.



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