Intervention in social networks of addicts.


  • José Navarro Góngora Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Salamanca



social networks of addicts, assembly of netword, groups of mothers of addicts, matching of addicts


This paper is focused on the intervention in (and with) the street substance abusers’ networks. It is assumed that this approach is neither the only possible point of view for explaining the drug abuse, nor the only approach for its treatment. The paper has several sections: first, the more relevant concepts pertaining to networks are studied. Secondly, the two main psychosocial theories of street addiction are developed with a special stress on both the structural and the interactional characteristics of the street addicts’ networks. Finally, the two main interventions used in this field are studied: strengthening the abusers’ network, and creating the network when the abuser lacks his (her) own network.



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How to Cite

Navarro Góngora, J. (1994). Intervention in social networks of addicts. Revista de Psicoterapia, 5(18-19), 99–117.



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