Spanish Discriminant analysis of positive classroom interpersonal relationships and academic performance in Chilean students at school
interpersonal relationship, teacher student relationship, academic achievement, discriminant analysis, schoolAgencies:
Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Chile (ANID)Abstract
This study proposed to analyse positive dimensions of the interpersonal relationships of students with their peers and teachers in the classroom, in their discriminant role with respect to the differences between levels of academic performance, helping to better understand the relevance of these interpersonal relationships in the educational outcome. An associative design using discriminant analysis was used on a cluster sample of 1273 students with voluntary participation, randomly selected in the second and third level of Basic Education and first and second cycle of Secondary Education (5th grade to 4th grade [levels 5 to 12]) in eight public and private educational centers that receive state funding from the Chilean government, located in three key regions of the northern macro-zone (Tarapacá) and center of the country (Valparaíso and Metropolitan Region), during 2020 and 2021, corresponding to the pandemic period COVID-19. The mean age was 14.20 years (SD= 2.43; range 10-19); 47.5% (n=605) females, 48% (n=611) males and 4.5% (n=57) with non-binary gender identity. The results point to the identification of approval, instrumental support and affection on the part of these adults as variables with the greatest predictive capacity in the positive interpersonal relationship with teachers, while with peers with whom they share the classroom, satisfaction, approval and enjoyment of their company stand out. The canonical discriminant function in both models, with teachers and classmates, correctly classifies a significant percentage of students mainly in the notable and outstanding levels of academic performance. These results allow, on the one hand, to recognize favourable aspects for the educational process that occur through interpersonal relationships in the classroom. They also highlight dimensions that are part of the repertoire of expected and intended attitudes and practices within educational interactions, whose influence is recognized for academic achievement.
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