Social competence and bullying: the role of age and sex
peer relationship, aggression, victimization, preadolescents, adolescents, coexistenceAgencies:
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Unión Europea Programa Horizonte 2020Abstract
The quality of interpersonal relationships in childhood and the transition to adolescence to the quality of coexistence at school. This quality seems to depend to a large extent on the social competence of schoolchildren and particularly on their participation in phenomena with risk of violence, such as bullying. The aims of this research were to describe the level of social competence and involvement in bullying and the differences according to gender and age in a large representative sample of Andalusian schoolchildren aged 10-16 years, as well as to observe the moderating effect of gender and age on the relationship between social competence, measured in its various dimensions, and involvement in bullying aggression and victimization behaviors. 2,572 schoolchildren (667 in Primary Education and 1,905 in Secondary Education) participated (50% girls; Mage = 12.81 years; SD = 1.9). Instruments validated with Spanish adolescents (AMSCQ and EBIPQ) were used. Multivariate multiple regression models indicated the association between social competence and aggression and victimization behaviors in bullying. Aggression was associated with participants' gender, prosociality and normative adjustment, whereas victimization was related to age, social efficacy, social adjustment and prosociality. Sex and age moderated the relationship of normative adjustment and aggression behaviors and of social adjustment on the victimization and aggression. Age moderated the relationship between prosociality and social adjustment in victimization. The present study contributes to understand which psychosocial mechanisms lead schoolchildren, in these years of transition from childhood to adolescence, to get involved in violent interpersonal dynamics such as bullying.
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