Participation in social networks by secondary school students
Social networks, secondary education, immigration, gender, special education needsAgencies:
Proyecto 15252/PPC/10. Convocatoria, Ayudas a la consolidación de grupos de investigación. Fundación Séneca. Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología. Región de Murcia.Abstract
This study explores the participation in social networks of Year 3 and Year 4 Compulsory Secondary School students with regard to frequency of access and use, gender, ethnicity and special educational needs. The study adopted a mixed-method research design, surveying 2734 students from 15 Secondary Schools in the Region of Murcia (Spain) who were asked to complete a questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale. Data collection was complemented with the application of the “Phillips 66” technique to 157 focus students selected depending on their frequency of use of these technologies. The results reveal a widespread use of social networks, though foreign and special needs students use them to a lesser extent. Student engagement with social networks is not solely oriented to meeting personal interests, but socio- affective and relational needs such as entertainment, being in touch with friends and meeting new people. These students do not hold the perception that social networks might negatively impact their academic performance, leisure time and personal relationships. Statistically significant differences were reported for students’ perceptions about the usefulness of social networks when it comes to improving existing friendships. In this respect, students with special needs feel less positive, while foreign students use social networks mainly for meeting new people. As for gender, women spend more time on social networks with a view to keeping in touch with people they do not normally see. They also report having problems with relatives and friends regarding their use of social networks, and they feel more anxious at the thought of not having access to them.
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