


Quality of life, teacher attitude, special needs students, inclusive schools.


Quality of life has been recognized as a key element in the evaluation of the life conditions and student satisfaction by teachers. Through their dimensions, teachers can learn more deeply about the well-being of their students and detect possible deficiencies on a personal, social, family and school level. The purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of the teachers involved in the education of students with intellectual developmental disorders about the way in which school practices are developing in order to improve students’ quality of life. Using a qualitative methodology, a semi-structured interview is conducted with eleven educational agents. The study is contextualized in High School education. The teachers’ perception of their students with intellectual developmental disorders is analyzed, as well as the way in which their expectations, attitudes and actions contribute to their students’ quality of life. Results show the repercussion of the teachers’ expectations on the attitude
of the students, highlighting how low expectations towards the possibilities
of success for their students with intellectual developmental disorders affect their self-esteem, self-concept, empowerment and, ultimately, their quality of life. Support for improving students’ quality of life is related to a concerned and active teaching attitude, while barriers are associated with conformist, defeatist or elusive attitudes from teachers. The study ends by demanding change, which is still pending, in the current educational model in order to adapt it to the diverse reality of the schools, as well as greater training and educational information to successfully carry out the educational labor.


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Author Biographies

Jesús Miguel Muñoz-Cantero, Universidade A Coruña

Perfil académico y profesional: Profesor titular de la Universidad de A Coruña. Director del Departamento de Filosofía y Métodos de Investigación en Educación (MIDE). Director del grupo de Investigación en  Evaluación y Calidad Educativa. (GIACE).

Líneas de investigación: evaluación, calidad educativa,  acreditación educativa y atención a la diversidad en el marco de la enseñanza universitaria como no universitaria.

Luisa Losada-Puente, Universidade A Coruña

Perfil académico y profesional:ContratadaPredoctoral Plan I2C Xunta de Galicia. Presonal Investigador del Programa de Doctorado en Equidad e Innovación en Educación. Dpto. Filosofía y Métodos de Investigación en Educación (MIDE). Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación (UDC). Miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Evaluación y Calidad Educativa (GIACE).

Líneas de investigación: evaluación, calidad educativa,  atención a la diversidad e inclusión educativa.


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