Educational theory, educational history, historiography, deschooling theories, liquid pedagogy, postmodernity.Abstract
In this paper we take as a reference the reality of an important andgrowing amount of normative flexible pedagogical discourses and practices
in the western world during the first two decades of the twenty first century.
Understanding this novelty as an emergent pedagogical paradigm linked to the liquid metaphor (Bauman), we highlight the way in which new educative processes, specifically designed to change their shape and content depending on the circumstances, are arising. We aim to survey the origins of the currently liquid pedagogical paradigm and to display why this paradigm maintains a correlation of continuity with early theories, such as the deschooling theories developed in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The methodology selected to conduct this research is the post-social historiography (Joyce, Cabrera). This trend in historiography, using the concept of social imaginary (Taylor), allows us to study the emerging discursive realities that explain the changes within the ideas, beliefs
and actions of the historical actors. The conclusion of this study underlines that liquid and deschooling pedagogical discourses respond to the emergence of a previous discursive event that is a condition of possibility for both.
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