New Issue Published – Educación XX1, 27(1)


Dear colleague

We are pleased to announce that our latest issue (Vol. 27 Iss.1) has been published.

We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest.

We take this opportunity to send you our best wishes for this new year.
Best regards


Table of contents


The Role of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Publishing
Esther López-Martín


Effectiveness of the flipped classroom methodology in higher education. A systematic review

Cristina Bosch-Farré, Jordi Cicres, Josefina Patiño-Masó, Pilar Morera Basuldo, Pere Toran-Monserrat, Albert Lladó Martínez, María del Carmen Malagón-Aguilera

Learner engagement, academic motivation and learning strategies of university students

Óscar Gavín-Chocano, Inmaculada García-Martínez, Eufrasio Pérez-Navío, Antonio Luque de la Rosa

Barriers to personal creativity in Spanish and Portuguese university students

Leire Aperribai, María Fátima Morais, Lorea Cortabarria, Fátima Machado

How to survive the doctorate? A meta-analysis of success in PhD Candidates

Raquel Lozano-Blasco, Borja Romero-Gonzalez, Alberto Soto-Sanchez

Decent work in career development: A comparative analysis of Italian and Spanish university students'

Soledad Romero-Rodriguez, Tania Mateos-Blanco, Celia Moreno-Morilla, Andrea Zammitti

Career construction and emotional intelligence as antecedents of vocational identity

Enrique Merino-Tejedor, Pedro M. Hontangas-Beltrán, Juan Carlos Pérez-González

Amotivation in physical education teachers: an approach from their perceived pressures and vocation

Javier Coterón, Alba González-Peño, Evelia Franco

Influence of expectancies of success on the choice of vocational education or scientific-technological baccalaureate

Alfonso Alcalde Saiz, Radu Bogdan Toma, Jesús Enrique Sierra

Factors influencing early school dropout: student's perspective

Iratxe Suberviola, Fermín Navaridas Nalda, Ana González Marcos

Academic achievement prediction in secondary education by decision tree analysis

Israel Villarrasa-Sapiña, Xavier García-Massó, Encarnación Liébana, Gonzalo Monfort Torres

The effect of executive functions on early mathematical competence: a structural equation model

Francisca Bernal-Ruiz, Gamal Cerda

An intervention to improve social and emotional learning among students at risk of social exclusion

Francisco-Domingo Fernández-Martín, Francisco-Javier Hinojo-Lucena, Inmaculada Aznar-Díaz, María-Pilar Cáceres-Reche

Sociometric distribution in Early Childhood Education: reasons for peer acceptance and peer rejection

Luis Jorge Martín-Antón, Paula Molinero González, Miguel Ángel Carbonero Martín, Wendy Lilibeth Arteaga Cedeño

Disability, stigma and suffering in schools. Emerging narratives for the right to inclusive education

Eduardo S. Vila-Merino, Teresa Rascón-Gómez, Ignacio Calderón-Almendros