New Issue Published – Educación XX1, 26(2)


Dear colleague,

It is our pleasure to inform you of the recent publication of the Vol. 26 No. 2 of Educación XX1.

We invite you to visit our website to consult the articles that may be of your interest.

Best regards


Table of contents


Troubled times for ethics in science and in the use of metrics

Arturo Galán



An exploration of institutional and personal barriers to online academic engagement at a Brazilian university

Cinthia Bittencourt Spricigo, Bárbara Maria Camilotti, Charles R. Graham, Ruth Baptista


Academic engagement in university students. The mediator role of Psychological Capital as personal resource

Ari Gómez Borges, Jonathan Peñalver, Isabel María Martínez, Marisa Salanova


Perfectionism and academic engagement, the mediating role of passion for the studies

Miguel Bernabé, Richard Merhi, Ana Lisbona, Francisco J. Palací


Development of resilient behaviours in the fight against university academic dropout

David López-Aguilar, Pedro Ricardo Álvarez-Pérez, Julián Alesander González-Ramos, Yaritza Garcés-Delgado


Flexible and rigid persistence: Relations with passion, vitality, and intention to stay in university teachers

Zuleica Ruiz-Alfonso, Rocío Pérez-Solís, Celia Fernández-Sarmiento, Robert J. Vallerand


Lights and shadows in university students' perceptions of inclusion and diversity

María Fiuza-Asorey, Luisa Losada-Puente, Silvia Sierra Martínez, Manoel Baña


Digital fatigue in university students as a consequence of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

José-María Romero-Rodríguez, Francisco-Javier Hinojo-Lucena, Kamil Kopecký, Abel García-González


Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on teacher tweeting in Spain: needs, interests, and emotional implications

Olga Moreno-Fernández, Alejandro Gómez-Camacho


Psychometric validation of the scale Technological Pedagogical Knowledge of Content TPACK-ES and assessment of self-efficacy perceived by prospective teachers

Delfín Ortega Sánchez


Family sociodemographic factors and cybervictimization in Primary Education

Leticia López-Castro, Mónica López-Ratón


Students at risk: how do students' perception of socio familiar characteristics condition their attitudes and behaviour in the class?

Sara Conde Vélez, M.ª del Pilar García Rodríguez, M.ª de la O Toscano Cruz


The digital gender gap in secondary school: differences in self-perceived competence and attitude towards technology

Luz Mayra Niño-Cortés, Carme Grimalt-Álvaro, Beatriz Lores-Gómez, Mireia Usart


Assessment of entrepreneurial orientation and its relationship with gender and academic performance

Arantxa Gorostiaga, Jone Aliri, Nekane Balluerka, Joanes Lameirinhas


Gender differences in mental rotation tests: a geometry-teaching perspective

Isabel Ramírez-Uclés, Rafael Ramírez-Uclés