New Issue Published – Educación XX1, 26(1)


Dear colleague

We are pleased to announce that our latest issue (Vol. 26 Iss.1) has been published.

We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest.

We take this opportunity to send you our best wishes for this new year.
Best regards


Table of contents


Effect size in scientific publication
Esther López-Martín, Diego Ardura


Methods and instruments to assess learning outcomes in master's degrees. Analysis of teachers’ perception of their evaluative practice
María Soledad Ibarra-Sáiz, Gregorio Rodríguez-Gómez, José Francisco Lukas-Mujika, Alaitz Santos-Berrondo

University and precariousness. Origins and consequences of the labour model of the Spanish Public University in the 21st century
José Manuel Torrado , Ricardo Duque-Calvache

Academic perspectives of the teaching-research nexus in initial teacher education in Portugal
Carlinda Leite, Paulo Marinho, Fátima Sousa-Pereira

Career resources among higher education students: a mixed-method study
Sílvia Monteiro, Leandro S. Almeida, Tania Gómez Sanchez, Nuria Rebollo Quintela, Manuel Peralbo Uzquiano

Self-efficacy, self-regulation and cooperative learning in Secondary Education Spanish and Portuguese students
Javier Fernandez-Río, Jose A. Cecchini, José Lopes, Helena Silva, Ângela Leite

Strategic-motivational profile and academic achievement in primary school students
Marta Martínez Vicente, José Manuel Suárez Riveiro, Carlos Valiente Barroso

The predictive power of social support's sources and types for school engagement
Iker Izar-de-la-Fuente, Arantza Rodríguez-Fernández, Naiara Escalante, Oihane Fernández-Lasarte

The impact of COVID-19 on the learning during the lockdown
Marta Hurtado-Martín, Laura López-Torres, Daniel Santín , Gabriela Sicilia, Rosa Simancas

Higher education teachers' and students' perceptions of open-book and proctored examinations in the COVID-19 pandemic
Beatriz Marcano, Beatriz Ortega-Ruipérez , Almudena Castellanos-Sánchez

Studying the effects of sense of belonging to virtual communities in psychological well-being and adjustment to academic setting
Dolores Seijo, María José Vázquez, Mercedes Novo , Francisca Fariña

Immersive Virtual Reality to improve competence to manage classroom climate in secondary schools
Ibis M. Álvarez , Borja Manero, Andy Morodo, Núria Suñé-Soler, Claudia Henao

Assessment of Digital Teaching Competence: instruments, results and proposals. Systematic literature review
Rosa García-Ruiz, Mariana Buenestado-Fernández, Maria Soledad Ramírez-Montoya

Positioning of traditional media regarding the educational use of smartphones in secondary education
Borja Mateu-Luján, Xavier Giró-Gràcia, María Montserrat Blanco-García, Joaquín Paredes-Labra

Vocation and burnout in mexican teachers
Edgar Fabián Torres-Hernández