Digital training in university teaching induction programmes in Spain: A comparative analysis based on DigComp and DigCompEdu
teaching training, higher education, teaching digital competence, professional development, teaching induction, content analysisAgencies:
Spanish Ministry of Universities, Jaume I UniversityAbstract
The mass and accelerated digitisation of education in recent decades has led to the need for digitally competent teachers, especially in higher education. In this regard, a number of professional frameworks have been developed in an attempt to define and conceptualise teaching digital competence. However, most research studies and frameworks have focused on pre-university stages. Approaching novice training from a digital perspective is also a challenge that needs to be addressed at the initial stage, when fundamental habits and knowledge are established and consolidated. The general objective of this study is therefore to analyse lecturer training in digital competence within the training proposals for initiation to teaching in Spanish universities, according to the European models DigComp and DigCompEdu. This is a pioneering work because, to date, no similar study has encompassed the entire Spanish university system. Specifically, it is an exploratory–descriptive research study in which deductive documentary and content analysis is carried out on 46 introductory university teaching programmes in Spain. Analysis of the DigComp competences covers the most frequently identified areas: Communication and Collaboration, followed by Information and Data Literacy, while the least frequently detected area is Safety. For DigCompEdu, the most frequently identified areas are Professional Engagement, Digital Resources and Teaching and Learning. The results of this paper may provide useful information for developing training plans for new university teaching staff which include the different areas of digital competence and teaching digital competence, thus ultimately contributing to the improvement of the quality of higher education in Spain.
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