About the new denomination of the Air and Space Army and its paradox: an unconstitutional norm that announces a desirable reform of the Constitution





Air and Space Army, Armed Forces, Royal Decree, Constitutional reform


The recently approved Royal Decree 524/2022, of June 27, which provides for the change of the name of the Air Force to the Air and Space Army, is a regulation that approves the alteration of the name of the Air Force provided for in article 8 of the Constitution for this army. The reasons that motivate the opportunity of the change are adequately expressed in the expository part of the norm, but a Royal Decree is not an appropriate source of Law to operate this change of denomination, nor to alter the name that the Constitution establishes for this army, for which reason this norm can be contrary to the Constitution. Paradoxically, this change of denomination may be very appropriate, but it must be carried out by means of a reform of the text of the Constitution and not by means of the dictation of a Royal Decree.


Summary: I. THE JUSTIFICATION OF A REFORM: A RULE THAT IS OPPOR­TUNE IN SUBSTANCE BUT INADEQUATE IN FORM. II. A LEGAL DEBATE ON THE MENTION OF THE ARMIES THAT BEGAN IN THE CONSTITUENT PROCESS. III. ANATOMY OF AN INSUFFI­CIENT REGULATION: A WELL-MOTIVATED EXPOSITORY PART, TOGETHER WITH AN OPERATIVE PART CONTRARY TO LAW. 1. A convincing motivation. 2. An incorrect dispositive part. IV. REA­SONS FOR INADEQUACY OF A RULE. 1.º Violation of the principle of hierarchy of norms. 2.º Infringement of the principle of separation of powers. 3.º Injury to the freezing of the formal rank established by the Constitution. 4.º Injury to the principle of organic competence. 5.º Excee­ding of the margin delegated by the Constitution for the organization of the Armed Forces. 6.º De facto repeal of the Constitution, without even mentioning it. 7.º Provision for a change of name that formally distances the Armed Forces from the constitutional norm. 8.º Impossibility of for­mulating a single denomination with two protections of different rank. 9.º Impossibility of bringing the dictated norm back to the ordinary exercise of the regulatory power. 10.º A vicious legal rubric of the sole article of Royal Decree 524/2022, of June 27, which provides for the change of the name of the Air Army to the Air and Space Army. V. A PARADO­XICAL CONCLUSION: AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL NORM THAT ANNOUNCES A NECESSARY REFORM OF THE CONSTITUTION.


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How to Cite

Coello de Portugal, J. M. (2023). About the new denomination of the Air and Space Army and its paradox: an unconstitutional norm that announces a desirable reform of the Constitution. Revista de Derecho Político, (118), 201–228. https://doi.org/10.5944/rdp.118.2023.39103

