A new way to make politics: giving the voice to the militancy. Reality or mere appearance?


  • Alexandre H. Catalá i Bas Universitat de València




Political parties, Elites, Militancy, Internal democracy, Democratic regeneration


Political parties have been accused of being controlled by an elite or caste that has looked more for their own interests than for general interests. A new way of doing politics and new parties has appeared whose stated objective has been to return the voice to the militancy, assuming that it had been kidnapped by the inbreeding elites of the parties. This paper analyses whether the parties, whose power has traditionally been built from top to bottom, have assumed this change that would mean that power flows from the bottom up or has simply taken a cosmetic operation that apparently responds to this new way of doing policy, although the power is still in the hands of a minority.


1. THE PROBLEM: POLITICAL PARTIES’ EXCESSES. 2. THE SOLUTION: GIVE VOICE TO THE PARTIES’ MEMBERS. 2.1. Members assembly or delegates congress 2.2. Primaries: the panacea for all problems? 2.3. Election for other positions. 2.4. The participation of the members of the party in the elaboration of political documents. 2.5. The role of membership in the elaboration of the electoral lists. 2.6 Other mechanisms of direct democracy and participatory democracy. 3. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE PARTY. 4. REALITY OR JUST APPEARANCE?


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Author Biography

Alexandre H. Catalá i Bas, Universitat de València

Profesor Titular de Derecho Constitucional. Departamento de Derecho Constitucional, Ciencia Política y de la Administración. Facultad de Derecho. Universitat de València. Campus de los Naranjos, s/n. 46071 Valencia (España).



How to Cite

Catalá i Bas, A. H. (2020). A new way to make politics: giving the voice to the militancy. Reality or mere appearance?. Revista de Derecho Político, 1(109), 73–118. https://doi.org/10.5944/rdp.109.2020.29055

