The prohibition on political parties in Germany. The new criterion of potentiality and the recent constitutional reform for not funding anti-democratic but constitutional formations


  • Pablo Fernández de Casadevante Mayordomo Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales



Germany, political parties, prohibition, constitucional reform, non financiation.


2017 witnessed important events in relation to the phenomenon of the right-wing ideology in Germany. First, in January, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled against the prohibition of the NPD, despite recognizing the anti-democratic nature of its objectives; then, in July, a constitutional reform came into effect to exclude from the state funding those political formations that, contravening the democratic order, are not prohibited as they lack the necessary potential to achieve their objectives. To conclude, September ended with the holding of federal elections and the entry of the AfD into the Bundestag, as the country’s third largest force. In light of all this, the present work is committed to the analysis of the main legal implications derived from these events, this with the aim to offer the reader an updated view on the legal control applicable to the
ideology of political parties in Germany.


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Author Biography

Pablo Fernández de Casadevante Mayordomo, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales

Profesor ayudante doctor —acreditado como contratado doctor por la ANECA—, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. Paseo de los Artilleros s/n. 28032
Vicálvaro – Madrid. 


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How to Cite

Fernández de Casadevante Mayordomo, P. (2018). The prohibition on political parties in Germany. The new criterion of potentiality and the recent constitutional reform for not funding anti-democratic but constitutional formations. Revista de Derecho Político, 1(102), 235–273.

