Enforcement of Constitutional Court decisions: a shift in the Constitutional Justice paradigm?


  • Enrique Álvarez Conde Universidad Rey Juan Carlos




Constitutional Court, Constitutional review, Constitutional justice model, Enforcement of judicial decisions


The Spanish Constitutional Court Organization Act reform of 2015 has had significant legal and political repercussions. From a legal perspective, the reform has called into question both our constitutional justice model and the Court’s role in relation to other State powers. From a political point of view, the unwisely rush in adopting said reform at the end of the parliamentary term, was solely intended to resolve the Catalan sovereignty issue, thus placing political decisions at the hands of a Constitutional Court that should not be deciding on such matters. As pointed out by the Venice Commission itself, in its report of March 2017, and despite the reform´s constitutionality, attributing such enforcement powers to the Constitutional Court is not recommended.


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Author Biography

Enrique Álvarez Conde, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Catedrático de Derecho Constitucional. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Paseo de los Artilleros s/n. 28032 Vicálvaro – Madrid.



How to Cite

Álvarez Conde, E. (2018). Enforcement of Constitutional Court decisions: a shift in the Constitutional Justice paradigm?. Revista de Derecho Político, 1(101), 661–701. https://doi.org/10.5944/rdp.101.2018.21975