Resiliencia, significado en la vida y satisfacción vital: un análisis de los efectos moderadores



Palabras clave:

Meaning in life, presence of meaning, search for meaning, resiliency, resiliency scale for young adults, satisfaction with life

Agencias Financiadoras:

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Joseph Armand Bombardier Doctoral Award


While presence of meaning in life (i.e., presence) is associated with a plethora of desirable qualities (e.g., greater well-being, longevity, positive affect), search for meaning is associated with psychological distress (e.g., reports of conflict, rumination, depression; Boyle, Barnes, Buchman, & Bennett, 2009). Individuals with higher resiliency, defined as a multifaceted competency in adapting and recovering from adversity, could potentially mitigate the distress associated with search, and thus, achieve greater satisfaction with life (SWL). The present study examined the moderating role of meaning in life between resiliency (i.e., sense of mastery and sense of relatedness) and SWL in a sample of Canadian university students (N=289). Hierarchical regression analyses showed that there was a positive association between resiliency and SWL and this association was stronger at higher levels compared to lower levels of search for meaning. These results suggest that individuals searching for meaning with high levels of mastery have the greatest SWL, while their counterparts with low mastery have the lowest SWL. Similar moderating effects of search were found with the positive association between sense of relatedness and SWL. Overall, findings suggest that protective factors in resiliency may buffer against the potential negative impact of search.


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Cómo citar

Lau, C. L., Feher, A., Wilson, C. A., Babcock, S. E., & Saklofske, D. H. (2018). Resiliencia, significado en la vida y satisfacción vital: un análisis de los efectos moderadores. Acción Psicológica, 15(2), 5–14.



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