Estudio de la influencia de los rasgos y el individualismo en la satisfacción vital entre naciones: un modelo multinivel
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life satisfaction, relationship enhancing traits, individualism, multilevel modelling, world values surveyResumen
The current cross-cultural study explored the associations between relationship enhancing traits (interpersonal trust, importance of close relationships, sociability), characteristics corresponding to an individualistic attitude (competition, autonomy), and life satisfaction. Data for this study was from 24 of the 59 countries used in the World Values Survey Wave 6. Multilevel modelling was used as a means to analyse the influence of individual level (Level 1) and country level (Level 2) variables on life satisfaction. Results indicated that the individual level predictors interpersonal trust and importance of close relationships made meaningful positive contributions to life satisfaction. The competition variable aggregated at the country level significantly negatively predicted life satisfaction, while country-level aggregated autonomy shared a positive relationship with life satisfaction.
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