The European Union: from economics to politics through law


  • Antonio Bar Cendón



European Union, functionalism, intergovernmentalism, supranationalism,


The European Union is going through a difficult crisis phase. It is a crisis that affects material aspects such as its economy and finances and, very specifically, the economies and finances of some of its member states; but it is a crisis that affects also immaterial aspect such as its own identity and the future of its political project. Many are the solutions that have been proposed in order to overcome this difficult stage, but in most of the cases these are inadequate solutions since they are not adapted to the peculiar nature of the EU as a legal and political organization. Therefore, firstly, this article analyzes the nature of the EU as a political organization and the different theories that have been issued in this regard. Secondly, the present situation of the EU is analyzed, including a perspective on what it is doing in this regard, and thirdly, the solutions to overcome this critical situation which have been proposed so far are also analyzed.


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How to Cite

Bar Cendón, A. (2013). The European Union: from economics to politics through law. Teoría y Realidad Constitucional, (32), 99–124.