Incivism in the city of Guadalajara. A geographical and crimilogical study of incivic events
Civismo, Ordenanza de Convivencia, Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Puntos Calientes, ArcGis.Abstract
The space-time study of the criminal event has played a fundamental
role in the analysis of crime throughout history. The emergence of new and more powerful computer software makes possible to improve the geolocation of the scenes where crimes occur and explain, among other issues, where
the offenders live or where it is most likely to become the victim of a crime.
Studies carried out in this regard show that there are areas where a greater
number of crimes are concentrated, or spaces where people can be victims of
a crime with greater probability than in others. The objective of this work is to
carry out a situational study of the complaints filed for non-compliance with the Guadalajara ordinance of coexistence and to analyze whether incivility
events are disproportionately concentrated in certain areas. The methodology
used is a quantitative methodology based on the descriptive analysis of the complaints filed by the local police of Guadalajara for forbidden behaviors
regulated in the coexistence ordinance between 2008 and 2016 (both inclusive).
To carry out this study, the SPSS statistical package (version 22) and
the geographic information software qGis (version 3.16) have been used. The results obtained have evidenced a greater concentration of acts of violence in areas with a greater group of nightlife venues and green spaces in the city of Guadalajara.
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