Restorative Justice in the serving of the sentence


  • Florencio De Marcos Madruga UVA



Justicia Restaurativa, Víctima, Victimario, Encuentro restaurativo, Juzgado de Vigilancia Penitenciaria, Mediador


Universidad de Castilla La Mancha


The participation of the victim in the execution phase of the criminal process in our legal order is a novel fact that, beyond civil reparation, stems from the 2015 Statute of the victim, and introduces Restorative Justice within that procedural moment. This instrument may become an important alternative or complement to traditional Justice in order to achieve a better satisfaction of the interests of the victim. A Program dealing with inmates subject to conditional parole, convicts classified in third degree and sentenced to community services has been  developed in the CIS «Máximo Carrera» of Valladolid since 2019, with the aim of drawing up an action protocol that may be extended to other prisons.


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How to Cite

De Marcos Madruga, F. (2021). Restorative Justice in the serving of the sentence. Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología, (26).



Estudios sobre Justicia restaurativa en la ejecución penitenciaria