Inventory of Wetlands for the Conservation of the Territory and the Biodiversity. The Case of the Region of Murcia (SE, Spain)
Inventory; wetlands; criteria; planning; management and conservationAbstract
The preparation of which in the case of Spain is coordinated by the central government, which approved guidelines through Royal Decree 435/2004 so that the Autonomous Communities could draw up their own inventories. The objectives are to describe the criteria used to include a wetland in the Spanish Inventory of Wetlands, to analyze the inventory process in the case of the Region of Murcia, as well as the usefulness of the national inventory in territorial planning and management. The methodology used in the process of drawing up the Inventory of the Region of Murcia in 2017 was to take the 2000 Inventory as a starting point, evaluate the wetlands that complied with the aforementioned Royal Decree, revise its limits and incorporate other wetlands that met the criteria that had not been inventoried up to that date. The result was the incorporation of 53 wetlands and wetland complexes in the Spanish Inventory of Wetlands, which are being taken into account in the hydrological planning of the Segura basin, in the environmental impact assessment, with special attention in the municipal planning review processes, as well as in the incorporation in the network of protected areas of the Mar Menor of some peripheral wetlands that had not been inventoried. Therefore, it can be concluded that the preparation of wetland inventories in Spain in general and in the Region of Murcia in particular provides wetland planning and management tools that favor the conservation of these natural spaces.
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