Resilience of Mountain Touristic Destinations. A Reanalysis of Berguedà and Cerdanya Cases




Sustainability; Resilience; Territory; Indicators; Impacts.


Many mountain territories are becoming a tourist destination of some importance, with the aim of obtaining better economic development and curbing the emigration of their local population. Faced with this situation, and in order to reach a sustainable development, it is important to know the degree of resilience of the territory and that of the destination itself in the face of any type of impact that may arise, such as an economic crisis, climate change or any other natural disaster, or simply a change in consumer tastes. In this article, after reviewing the existing theoretical framework on the sustainability and resilience of a territory and a tourist destination, a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology has been used to analyze the territorial resilience and the current tourist destination and compare it with the one they had a few years before, in two Catalan Mountain regions, Berguedà and Cerdanya, which are in different phases of their tourist development. Conclusions serve to help measure resilience as best as possible, so that we know what it is at the moment and in what position of the adaptive cycle these territories and destinations are.


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Author Biography

José María Prat Forga, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Dr. en Historia, Historia del Arte y territori por la UNED.

Licenciado y Dr. en Geografía por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC).


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How to Cite

Prat Forga, J. M. (2022). Resilience of Mountain Touristic Destinations. A Reanalysis of Berguedà and Cerdanya Cases. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VI. Geografía, (15), 1–22.


