Ifni, a New «Province»: The Representation of the Baamrani Population in the Special Issue of the Weekly 'A.O.E.'





A.O.E.; Ifni; colony; colonized; representation; provincialization; Francoism


In the middle of a conflict as the war of Ifni-Sahara, the decree of January 10th, 1958, established the consideration of Ifni and Spanish Sahara as separate Spanish provinces changing the administrative situation of these colonies. This would result in a conversion of the baamrani population due to their official residence in a Spanish province. Focusing on the territory of Ifni, through the special number 1000 of the weekly A.O.E. (April 1964), we explore the different forms of representation of the colonized people in a context where the «province» was established. The analysis of graphic and textual material from this special issue allow us to understand the existing relationship between the emerged colonized population and the metropolitan speeches spread to transmit to Spanish readers the feeling of colonial success in a space reduced to little more than the city of Sidi Ifni and surrounded by the young Kingdom of Morocco.


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How to Cite

García Pimentel, J. M. (2024). Ifni, a New «Province»: The Representation of the Baamrani Population in the Special Issue of the Weekly ’A.O.E.’. Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie V, Historia Contemporánea, (36), 117–134. https://doi.org/10.5944/etfv.36.2024.38251