Of Arbiters, Judges and Wisemen: Judicial Proceedings in the Jewish Aljama of Medina del Campo in Light of Two Family Disputes (1486-1504)





Procesos judiciales; jueces judíos; devolución patrimonial; arbitrajes; Medina del Campo.


During the latter decades of the fifteenth century, participation of several Jews of Medina del Campo has been identified in two family disputes related to the restitution of matrimonial goods and inheritance. From a socio-historical, legal, and judicial approach, the analysis of the selected cases reveal the identities, roles, and actions of various rabbis, judges, and arbiters of the town’s Jewish aljama, as well as other agents. The distinctive features of these cases are based on the judicial proceedings –where there is no determined prevalence in the implementation of a given norm– and on the appeal to arbitration as a previous or additional step towards a mediated solution between the parties.


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How to Cite

Girona Berenguer, M. (2022). Of Arbiters, Judges and Wisemen: Judicial Proceedings in the Jewish Aljama of Medina del Campo in Light of Two Family Disputes (1486-1504). Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie III, Historia Medieval, (35), 325–352. https://doi.org/10.5944/etfiii.35.2022.32716


