The ʿaḳīda-s among Castilian and Aragonese Muslims of the Mudejar and Moorish Period: The ʿaḳīda-s of Ibn Abī Zayd Al-Qayrawānī (10th Century), Ibn Tūmart (12th Century) and Isa De Jebir (15th Century)


  • Xavier Casassas Canals Escuela Internacional de Doctorado (UNED) – Universidad de Salzburgo (Austria).



ʿAḳīda, Moriscos, Mudejars, Relationship Between Reason and Faith, Islamic Theology, Ashʿarīsm, Castile, Aragon


In this paper we analyse the content and form of the three ʿaḳīda-s (formulations of the principles of Islamic belief) most widespread among the Castilian and Aragonese Muslims of the Mudejar and Moorish periods. This analysis allows us, among other things, to show the influence of two different Islamic theological-legal currents among Spanish Muslims. These currents differ, especially, in the role they give to reason in order to acquire a faith based on solid principles.


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How to Cite

Casassas Canals, X. (2020). The ʿaḳīda-s among Castilian and Aragonese Muslims of the Mudejar and Moorish Period: The ʿaḳīda-s of Ibn Abī Zayd Al-Qayrawānī (10th Century), Ibn Tūmart (12th Century) and Isa De Jebir (15th Century). Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie III, Historia Medieval, (33), 97–116.


