Retrospective analysis for the perception of educational tools for the development of collaborative activities in virtual environments
educational tools, online higher education, virtual learning environments, online colaborative learning, educational technologyAbstract
Virtual learning environments are technological systems designed to use electronic media to enable non-face-to-face education and interaction between students to take place. The research presented here considered six academic years and was carried out against the backdrop of the impact that these environments are having on higher education. It used a non-experimental, retrospective, cross-sectional approach, and was conducted within the qualitative phenomenological paradigm. The participants were 211 students who were engaged in an online postgraduate course. The aim was to identify the benefits and difficulties the students encountered when they used collaborative tools in their learning process, and the group dynamics that were established. Portfolios, forums and focus groups were the mechanisms used for data collection. The results showed a great diversity in how digital tools were used, how they were adapted to the complexity of the virtual classroom and the multi-professional profile of the participants. However, in general, the participants displayed a strong need for connection in order to share their concerns, develop bonds and build collective knowledge. There was greater emphasis on collaborative tasks during and after the pandemic than in previous periods. It was concluded that the integration of online collaboration tools among postgraduate students to carry out academic activities reflected the key role that virtual environments play in the shaping of meaningful interdisciplinary and socialisation educational experiences. In addition, the role of the group's own self-regulation in terms of maturity, networking, chronological adjustments and understanding of the task at hand was essential in the participants’ ability to overcome the challenges they encountered.
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