YouTube as a Cyber-Classroom. Critical Review of its Pedagogical Use at Ibero-American University




YouTube, social networks, pedagogical practices, higher education, Ibero-America, innovation


Universities have adapted some of their procedures according to the approach to curriculum, education and knowledge in the digital era. The appropriation of social media environments for the purpose of innovation in pedagogical practice is one of these scenarios. This study aims to determine research positions on the uses of YouTube as a pedagogical tool in Ibero-American higher education, through a critical literature review. The analysis has been carried out considering the bibliographic information of the articles, the populations considered in the studies, the theoretical-methodological information and the educational use of the platform. The results show an increase in the number of studies carried out as a result of the Pandemic, with a predominance of experiences in undergraduate studies. The generation of YouTube video catalogs as part of teaching-learning practices, together with content production, reinforcement, and learning assessment, the latter worked with predictive technology models and artificial tracking software, stand out as purposes of use. The use of YouTube as an innovative tool requires overcoming self-perceptions and critically considering its potential, the necessary literacy, teacher training and aspects related to the gap in the capacity for didactic use. The value of this platform as a methodological tool for innovation is evident, as well as the road ahead for universities and educators to increase its effectiveness and relevance in the development and stimulation of innovative practices.



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Author Biographies

Ana María Beltrán-Flandoli, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, UTPL (Ecuador)

Profesora Titular del Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación UTPL. Doctoranda en Educomunicación, por el Programa Interuniversitario en Comunicación de Andalucía. Master en Comunicación y Educación Audiovisual por a UHU. Miembro de la Red Euroamericana Alfamed, del G.I en Comunicación, Educación y Tecnología CET y del MediaLab (UTPL). Además, miembro asociado del G.I. en Comunicación y Educación de la U. de la Lima.  Investiga sobre la relación de los medios sociales y educación en el espacio de educación superior, y las competencias que sobre estos entornos adquiere y debe desarrollar la ciudadanía, además es participante de la cátedra activa en Storytelling para la Educación.

Amor Pérez-Rodríguez, Universidad de Huelva, UHU (Spain)

Professor in the Department of Philology at the University of Huelva. Member of the Agora Research Group, Comunicar Group and the Alfamed network. Assistant Editor of Comunicar Journal, and Advisory Board of Heliyon Education. Her research interests are media literacy, media competence, the new communication languages and narratives, and language and literature teacher training. She has published several books, book chapters, and scientific articles (h-index, 23). She is currently working on several international and national research project about media literacy and digital narrative.

Julio-César Mateus, Universidad de Lima (Perú)

Doctor en Comunicación. Profesor titular de la Universidad de Lima. Director de la revista académica Contratexto. Coordinador del Grupo de Investigación en Comunicación y Educación de la Universidad de Lima, Perú, y miembro de otros grupos de investigación en América Latina y España. Ha sido secretario ejecutivo de la Federación Latinoamericana de Facultades de Comunicación Social (FELAFACS).


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How to Cite

Beltrán-Flandoli, A. M., Pérez-Rodríguez, A., & Mateus, J.-C. (2023). YouTube as a Cyber-Classroom. Critical Review of its Pedagogical Use at Ibero-American University. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 26(1), 287–306.