Higher Education Instructors’ Beliefs and Conceptions about Remote Education during COVID-19





online learning, distance education, covid-19, information and communication technology, higher education, remote teaching


There are various factors which influence instructors’ and students’ experiences in an online or remote learning environment in higher education. These factors may be altered either positively or negatively as a result of an implementation experience of online learning. This risk is even more evident in scenarios such as the sanitary emergency resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, when instructors suddenly had to adjust their learning environments into an online modality without enough time for preparation. This study aims at exploring how university faculty beliefs and their conceptions about en online teaching change after implementing a remote learning experience in the context of the sanitary emergency in a Colombian higher education institution. For this purpose, a pretest - posttest survey design was used to identify how instructors’ self-efficacy, their attitudes towards a reflective practice, their perceptions of institutional support, and their conceptions about online learning changed after completed the academic semester in remote modality; and the extent to which the instructors’ experience affects these changes. The results from this study suggest that the remote education experience increased the instructors’ self-efficacy and decreased their perceptions about institutional support. Likewise, the instructors’ experience in the remote learning environment had an effect on how their conceptions about technology-based assessments changed in this process.



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Author Biographies

Carmen Ricardo, Universidad del Norte, UNINORTE (Colombia)

Profesora Asociada y Directora del Departamento de Educación del IESE de la Universidad del Norte. Coordinadora académica de la Maestría Virtual en Educación Mediada por TIC, y líder del énfasis de Medios Aplicados a la Educación de la Maestría en Educación modalidad investigativa. Doctora en Educación y Magister en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje Abiertos y a Distancia (UNED-España), Especialista en Gerencia de Empresas Comerciales e Ingeniera de Sistemas de la Universidad del Norte (Colombia).

Camilo Vieira, Universidad del Norte, UNINORTE (Colombia)

Ph.D., Assistant professor in the Department of Education at Universidad del Norte (UniNorte; Barranquilla-Colombia) and a Fulbright Visiting Scholar in the Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education at the University of Virginia. He holds a BSc. in Systems Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Engineering from Universidad Eafit (Colombia); and a Ph.D. in Computational Sciences and Engineering from Purdue University (Indiana-US). Dr. Vieira completed a postdoctoral experience at Purdue University in information visualization, and he has been working at UniNorte since 2019, where he coordinates the research group Informática Educativa. He investigates how to support student complex learning and how instructors teach complex topics, particularly in computing and engineering education. He also explores how to use computational methods to understand educational phenomena.


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How to Cite

Ricardo, C., & Vieira, C. (2023). Higher Education Instructors’ Beliefs and Conceptions about Remote Education during COVID-19. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 26(1), 17–37. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.26.1.33966