Impact, Difficulties and Achievements of the Production of Open Educational Resources in a Binational Course
open education, lifelong learning, teacher, teacher training, training course, teaching methodsAbstract
The objective of this research was to analyze the results of a binational course for the production of Open Educational Resources (OER) in response to the capacity building of the UNESCO Recommendation on OER. The course was generated from the international stay UNESCO/ICDE Open Educational Movement for Latin America 2019. It was implemented in Moodle from January to July 2021. The course was taught in three Mexican institutions and one in Chile. Eighty-one professionals (teachers from various educational levels and instructors) participated. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative approaches and was descriptive. An Excel grid was used to record data on the 51 resources created, a questionnaire was used to learn about the participants' experiences in relation to the impact, difficulties and achievements involved in the production of OER, and Moodle follow-up reports were used to analyze the participants' learning paths. The outcomes prove a significant predominance of presentations made in Genially and PowerPoint with Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works license, created by Mexican institutions, as well as the development of some digital competencies related to education 4.0. It is concluded that there is still a lack of awareness on how to share OER to increase the dissemination of knowledge and contribute to open education. As future work, it is considered that the course can be implemented as a MOOC to address in a broader way the development of capacities of the UNESCO Recommendation on OER.
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