Present stages of the development and expositions in the production of the materials printed of Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica (UNED)
evaluation, distance education, learning, UNED, materials printedAbstract
This article is the result of a multiple research project orientated to the construction of desirable elements and characteristics in the didactic books produced at UNED (Costa Rica) and the detection of which are the most useful ones for the learning process and academic formation of the student. The paper also presents a summary of the two first parts of the work: the theoretical and the construction of the thematic profile areas, and the macroresults of the project. This article talks about to the study and the analysis of documents relative to the mentioned guidelines that are systematized in three historical stages. The first stage is characterized by the influence of the positivista-conductista current. The production is based on principles like the importance of the specific objectives, the objectivity in the evaluation of the learnings and the importance of the feedback. Also the content is developed of prescriptiva form prevalentemente, in agreement with the pre-established objectives. The second stage is recognized by the cuestionamiento of the conductistas principles, when taking force the congnitivas currents. They are developed to ideas such as the importance of the motivation, the significant learning and the construction of the knowledge. The third stage emphasizes the importance of the integration of new and traditional technologies, reason why the printed materials are elaborated like part of an integrated set of didactic materials, taking into account principles like the interactivity, the learning independent and autorregulado and a formation humanist, critic, creative and of commitment with the society and environment.