Between freedom and constriction: the dilemma of agoraphobia.


  • Marco Castiglioni Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
  • Laura Contino Master en Terapia Sexual y de ParejaCentro Dendros, Barcelona
  • Manuel Villegas Besora Universitat de Barcelona.



Agoraphobia, Psychopathology, Meaning, “Free-constrained” semantics, Personal Constructs, Repertory Grid Technique


This study aimed to empirically test the clinical theory, common to different psychotherapeutic approaches, that agoraphobia is psychologically linked to the semantics of freedom. The hypothesis was that personal constructs of “free-constrained” and associated meanings are predominant for people suffering from agoraphobia. Participants and method. The Repertory Grid Technique (Kelly, 1955) was carried out with 30 agoraphobic patients to elicit their personal constructs. A group of 30 of patients suffering from other psychological disease was used as a control group. Participants’ constructs were grouped into semantic categories using hermeneutic criteria and the data compared using appropriate statistical techniques. Results: The constructs of agoraphobic group were found to be significantly more connected to the semantics of freedom than those of the control Group. The empirical data seems to confirm the hypothesis. These results and their limitations are discussed in the light of their possible clinical applications and of methodological and epistemological issues raising from the study.


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How to Cite

Castiglioni, M., Contino, L., & Villegas Besora, M. (2009). Between freedom and constriction: the dilemma of agoraphobia. Revista de Psicoterapia, 20(80), 105–118.

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