Some reflections on the position of the therapist in couples therapy.


  • Montserrat Rebés Centre d’Estudis i Teràpia Sistèmica, Travessera de Gràcia, Barcelona



couple therapy, therapeutic context


Talking about couples therapy involves the great effort of going through circles concentric, integrating and separating different systemic levels at the same time. For me it has supposed and still the most difficult part of a therapy. And I say the part therapy, because it is not easy for me to make a clear distinction about what is properly couples therapy. Some have said, "the couple does not exist", making reference to the difficulty of isolating and delimiting the field.


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How to Cite

Rebés, M. (1999). Some reflections on the position of the therapist in couples therapy. Revista de Psicoterapia, 10(40), 103–108.