The problem of the other in post-rationalism




post-racionalism, conscience, reciprocity, otherness, post-rationalist cognitive therapy, problem of the other, egoism, alter ego, vital reason, solidary reason


In this text, it is argued that the rationalist view of the other as another I leads to a especular form of mutuality, based on analogical reasoning, in which loneliness cannot be overcome. Thus, to go beyond rationalism a solidary view of consciousness should be developed. In this new view, self-awareness comes from the articulation of the worlds we designate by the pronouns we, you and I. Along the argument, the works of postrationalist authors such as Ortega, Laín and Zambrano are considered.


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How to Cite

Miró, M. T. (2000). The problem of the other in post-rationalism. Revista de Psicoterapia, 11(41), 115–127.

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