Working with values in psychotherapy: a familiar clinical case


  • Elisa Urbano Díaz


education, values, frustration, empathy, respect, discipline, privacy


The intervention in one familial case was performed by analyzing the problem areas and then applying a psychological intervention from various models but with a common theoretical framework. As a model we used the Urbano Model (2013), based on the form of communication and how time is structured to educate four psychological values agreed with parents: frustration tolerance, teaching empathy with self-respect and respect to others, discipline and order: a guide for socializing, and intimacy: smooth communication and understanding. To pinpoint problem areas and plan intervention Grounded Theory methodology was applied via the computer software Atlas.ti.


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How to Cite

Urbano Díaz, E. (2014). Working with values in psychotherapy: a familiar clinical case. Revista de Psicoterapia, 25(97), 105–146. Retrieved from