Domestic violence
Integrative psychotherapy and indigenous culture
domestic violence, integrative psichotherapy, woman, indegenous, depression, anxietyAbstract
A quasi-experimental study was carried out with a pretest-posttest design of a group of 10 indigenous women violated in their homes, from the communities of the Cotacachi city of Ecuador, with the aim of analyzing the changes in the clinical psychological symptoms from intervention from integrative psychotherapy according to the model focused on personality. It was carried out in two phases, quantitative and qualitative. In the first, some reagents were applied, the Beck BDI-II Depression Inventory, the ISRA anxiety response test and a personality questionnaire; in the second phase, the interviews were conducted with the patients within the therapeutic framework. With the non-parametric Wilcoxon test, differences in anxiety and depression were evaluated using the SPSS program. After the psychotherapeutic intervention, through the application of direct suggestive techniques in the waking state, a significant change was evidenced in the clinical symptoms of the patients, both in anxiety and depression. Similarly, with the qualitative data, a code-based content analysis was made through the Atlas Ti 9.0 program. The present study suggests that integrative psychotherapy is an effective alternative to treat the emotional consequences of violence, considering the cultural factors that influence its normalization.
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