Terapia cognitiva de la depresión


  • Francesc J. Maestre Lorén



Palabras clave:

depresión, modelo cognitivo, carácter cognitivo-conductual, cambio


La terapia cognitiva de la depresión, expuesta por Beck, Rush, Shaw & Emery (1979), está constituida por un modelo cognitivo, que da cuenta de la concepción teórica de la depresión, y unos procedimientos de cambio, de carácter cognitivo-conductual, que son la manera cómo se intenta producir modificaciones en el estado depresivo. Este artículo revisa, fundamentalmente, dos aspectos de la terapia cognitiva de la depresión: los constructos clínico-cognitivos que integran el modelo cognitivo, encuadrándolos en el planteamiento más amplio del procesamiento de la información, y el fenómeno del cambio terapéutico, desde la perspectiva de la eficacia de la terapia, la naturaleza del cambio y las posibilidades de cambio de la persona.


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BECK, A.T, (1985). Cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, psychoanalysis, and pharmacotherapys A cognitive

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'Pres$) (Traduc€éi6n castellana: Paidés, Barcelona, 1988)... :

BECK, A.T. & GREENBERG, R.L. (1984). Cognitive therapy in the treatment of depression, Tn N. Hoffman

(Ed.), Foundaiions of cognitive therapy: Theoretical methods and practical applicatidns. New York:

Plenum Press. -

BECK, A.T:, RUSH, 1.. SHAW, B..&@ EMERY,.G. (1979, Cogniive therapy of depression; New York:

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BLACKBURN; IM. & BISHOP, S, ( 1983). Changesi in cognition with pharmacotherapy and cogtitie era

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DOBSON; KS: (1989). `A meta-analysis of the efficacy of cognilive therapy for depression. Joumal. of

Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 3,414-419,

FEIXAS, G. & VILLEGAS, M. (1990). Constrictivismo y psicoierapia. Barcelona: PPU:

FENELL, M.J.V., & TEASDALE, J.D. (1987). Cognitive therapy for depression: Individual differences and the

process of change. Cognitive therapy and research, 11, 253-271.

FRANK, J.D. (1985). Therapeutic components shared by all psychotherapies. In M. Mahoney & A. Freeman

(Eds.), Cognition and psychotherapy, New York: Plenum Press. (Traduccién CasteHlanaPaidds, Barcelona, 1988). GLASS; CR., & ARNKOFF, D.B. (1982). Think cognitively: Selecred issues in: cognitive

j assessment and therapy. Advances in cognitive-behavioral research and therapy, 1, 35-71.

HOFFMAN, N. (1984). Introduccién to the subject. In N. Hoffman (Ed.), Foundations of cognitive “erapy:

`'Theoretical methods and practical applications. New York: Plenum:PressHOLLON, $.D.. EVANS, M.D., @ DERUBEIS, R.J. (1987). Causal. mediation of change. in treatment for

depression: Diserimination. between nonspecificity and noncavsality. Psychological Bulletin, 102, 139-

INGRAM;, R., & HOLLON, $.V.'(1986). Cognitive therapy for depression from 'an information processing

. perspectives, In R. Ingram (Ed.), Information processing approaches :to clinical psychology. Florida:

Academic Press. aa

LUNDH, L.G. (1988). Cognitive therapy and (he analysis of meaning structures. In C. Perris, 1.M. Blackburr &

H. Perris (Eds.), Cognirive psychotherapy: Theory and practice. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. ...

MAHONEY, M, (1985). Psychotherapy and human changes process. In M. Mahoney &, A, Freeman (Ed. ),

Cognition and psychoiherapy. New York: Plenum Pres. (Tradueeién castellana: Paidés, Barcelona,


MAHONEY, M., & GABRIEL, T. (1987). Psychotherapy and the cognitive sciencies: An evolving alliance,

Journal of cognitive psychoiherapy, 1, 39-59.

MARZILLIER, J.$, (1986). Changes in depressive beliefs: An analysis for Beck's cognitive therapy for

depression. Advances in cognitive-behavioral research and therapy, $, 89-1 14.

PERRIS, C. (1988). The foundations of cognitive psychotherapy an its standing in relation to other psychotherapies. Tn C. -Perris, LM: Blackbum, H. Perris; (Eds.),” Coguitive psychotherapy: Theory and practice.

Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

RAIMY, V.E. (1985). 'Misconceptions: and the. cognitive therapies. In M. Mahoney: & A. Freeman (eds),

Cognition and psychoiherapy. New York* Plenum Press. (Traduccién castellana: Paidés, 1988).

TEASDALE, J.D. (1985). Psychologicat treatments- for depression: How do dhey work?. Behavior research

therapy, 23, 157-165.

WATZLAWICK: P., WEAKLAND, JH., & FISH, R. (1976. Cambio: Formacidn y soketdn de los problemas

humanos: Barcelona:'Herder:

WEISHAAR, ME., & BECK, A.T. (1985). Cognitive therapy. In W. Dryden & WL. Golden (Eds.), Cognitivebehavioral approaches to psychotherapy. Cambridge: HemispherePublishing.

WIDLOCHER, D. (1983). Les logigues de la dépression. Parfs: Fallar. (Traducci6n castellana: Herder,

Barcelona, 1986).

WILLIANS, J.M.G. (1987). Cognitive treatment of depression. In H. Eysenck & 1. Martin (Eds.), Theoretical

foundations of behavior therapy. New York: Plenum Press.

WINFREY, PL., & GOLDFRIED, M.R. (1986). Information processing and the human change progess. In R.

Ingram (Ed.), Jnformation processing approaches to clinical pssyckology. Florida: 'Afademic Press.




Cómo citar

J. Maestre Lorén, F. (1990). Terapia cognitiva de la depresión. Revista de Psicoterapia, 1(2/3), 81–94. https://doi.org/10.33898/rdp.v1i2-3.668



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