Intersemiotic codes in narrative-semiotic coding of liminal space of Fowles’ “The Magus”: A stylistic-semiotic interface
Intersemiotic codes; Narrative-semiotic codes; Prominent positions; LiminalityAbstract
The article explores the concept of intersemiotic code as a narrative-semiotic, text-forming, and meaning-making device that contributes to liminal stylistics in John Fowles' "The Magus". The paper presents a nine-component classification of intersemiotic codes depending on the stylistic devices they form. It identifies simile-forming code with a connector; simile-forming code transitioning into a metaphor; allusive, metonymic and a simile-forming code with and without comparator, code-allusion and metonymy, code-metaphor, code-personification, synesthetic code that combines the artistic, olfactory or gustatory codes, and transcodic multicomponent code-simile. A symbolic potential of intersemiotic codes, giving rise to antithetical meanings, contributes to symbolic code. Intersemiotic codes, which underlie the ambivalence of characters and the entire meta-game, activate the actional code by predicting the actions of the protagonist to bridge the gap between mystification and reality. By underpinning narrative-semiotic codes, intersemiotic codes create a liminal space that blurs the boundary between the game and actuality.
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