The Oldest Settlement in Europe: Stigma, Health, and COVID-19 in El Vacie (Seville)
Pandemic, gypsies, Health, El Vacie (Seville, Spain)Agencies:
Comité de Ética de la Investigación (CEI) del conjunto del Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío y del Hospital Universitario Virgen MacarenaAbstract
The covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated the vulnerability of the most disadvantaged populations globally. The most severe forms of marginalization and discrimination have intensified during the pandemic crisis and populations who were previously socially excluded have suffered a major impact on their lives. The abysmal conditions of the El Vacie shantytown in Seville are a risk to the health of the population and are the result of a lack of public policies. This text analyses the settlement as a historical creation, the perception of the health of its members and the effects of the pandemic based on the field work carried out in collaboration with the social and health services and the observation carried out in situ.
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