The III Duke of Feria, governor of Milan, 1618-1626 and 1631-1633


  • Juan Manuel Valencia Rodríguez IES. Salvador Távora (Sevilla)



III duke of Feria, government of Milan, la Valtelina valley, treaty of Cherasco, army of Alsace


Don Gomez Suárez de Figueroa, III Duke of Feria, instructed from his youth by his father to serve the monarchy, lived his most glorious days during two mandates heading the government of Milan, during which he managed to strengthen the Spanish influence in Northern Italy, and in its operations in Alsace. He also held office as viceroy of Valencia and the Principality of Cataluña and was member of the State Council. His position in foreign politics was more aggressive and warmongering than the Count-Duke of Olivares. He is considered to be one of the last skilled military rulers of the Spanish Empire; his intervention in La Valtelina in favor of the Catholics and against the protestant Grisons, during his first mandate as Governor and Captain General of Milan, and the successful operations leading the Army of Alsace in the liberation of the fortifications of Breisach, Constance and Rheinfelden, shortly before his death, give evidence of this.


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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Valencia Rodríguez, IES. Salvador Távora (Sevilla)

Licenciado en Geografía e Historia por la UNED y Doctor en la misma especialidad por la Universidad de Sevilla. Ha sido profesor en diversos institutos sevillanos, entre ellos el IES Antonio Domínguez Ortiz, del que fue Director algunos años. En la actualidad ejerce la docencia en el Instituto Salvador Távora de Sevilla. Entre sus publicaciones destacamos el libro Berlanga: una villa extremeña del siglo XVI, escrita en colaboración con Francisco Márquez Hidalgo, y sus numerosos trabajos sobre el Ducado de Feria, entre ellos los libros El poder señorial en la Edad Moderna: la Casa de Feria (siglos XVI y XVII) (versión publicada de su Tesis doctoral, 2010, 2 vols. y CD con datos adicionales).



How to Cite

Valencia Rodríguez, J. M. (2010). The III Duke of Feria, governor of Milan, 1618-1626 and 1631-1633. Revista de Humanidades, (17), 13–48.


