Impact of a service-learning and sport education program on social competence and learning




social competence, service learning, active learning, sport education, physical education


The development of social competence (SC) has become a priority for policymakers, educators and researchers. The pedagogical models of sports education and service-learning are among the most noteworthy of various methodologies with a positive impact on SC. The aim of this study was to determine the impact on SC and learning of a programme that integrated a service-learning (SL) experience with the sport education model (SEM). The research design was quasi-experimental, with a control group and an experimental group (service recipients and providers). The programme consisted of two different phases in terms of organisation and participation. Measurements were taken before starting the programme, and at the end of Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1 was completed by 478 students (276 from the 6th year of primary education and service recipients; 202 from the 4th year of secondary education and service providers), while 337 completed both phases (142 from the 1st year of secondary education and service recipients; 195 from the 1st year of baccalaureate and service providers). In the first phase, we collected data on skill execution and decision making in the game of ringo, using a game performance assessment instrument. Knowledge of technique, tactics and rules was also assessed. In both phases, SC was measured using the Adolescent Multidimensional Social Competence Questionnaire (Gómez-Ortiz et al., 2017). The results evidenced the effectiveness of the programme in learning, primarily in the areas related to knowledge, both as regards the recipients and providers of the service. The second phase of the SEM-SL programme was also effective in developing social competence and many of its dimensions (cognitive reappraisal, social adjustment, social efficacy, normative adjustment) among the service providers. These results suggest that the combination of these two methodologies provides a teaching-learning ecosystem that is conducive to developing socio-emotional aspects and learning inherent to sport itself, creating a positive experience for all involved, especially for those volunteering their service.



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