How to survive the doctorate? A meta-analysis of success in PhD Candidates
burnout, doctoral program, doctoral students, social support groups, success, universitiesAbstract
Doctorates are the key for new researchers to begin their scientific activity. This process has traditionally implied a profound loneliness and the development of issues that affect the health of PhD students. The objective of the research was to conduct a meta-analysis to examine the influence of certain sociodemographic and personal variables on doctoral dropout. Following a review of existing literature and based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, the total sample consisted of 9 articles, which included a total of 53 samples and 32760 doctoral students with an average age of 29.80 years. The main results indicate that the permanence in the doctoral program depends on gender, age, and personal variables, with social support (family support, institutional support, and self-esteem) explaining 11% of the persistence in the doctoral program, followed by self-esteem. Burnout, on the other hand, explains a very small percentage of success (Tau2 = 0.40; I2 = 99.48; R2 = .03; p = .001). The model that best explains permanence in doctorate studies is social support. Doctorate students demand support from their peers, families and institutions to which they are giving their work, so our results can be explained by the relevant role of social support as a mediator in the consequences of stress. In view of the obtained results, it is concluded that the existence of a series of factors such as age, gender, support from the closest environment and a democratic and ethical leadership style by the institutions, along with the social actions of communicating and generating synergies, favours success in the attainment of a doctorate degree. To sum up, the results of this study suggest the convenience of carrying out prosocial actions aimed at finishing the PhD stage successfully.
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