Vindication of the school as a fostering space for democratic experiences: conceptual approach to moral practices of recognition and respect
school, civic education, moral education, recognition, respectAbstract
We vindicate something when it is defended, especially in writing, something or someone who has been reviled, slandered or unjustly treated. It is true that nowadays it is more difficult to use, but in this work it is not only to argue in favor of something or someone, but to defend something, in this case schools. This paper will maintain that schools, the special temporary and spatial conditions they offer, make of them a propitious place to cultivate two fundamental moral practices for the possibility, continuity and extension of democracy: recognition and respect. After clarifying what it is meant here mean by “moral practices”, the paper will turn to Axel Honneth and Richard Sennett respectively for the development of the conceptual content of each one of these practices. The paper hopes to provide strong arguments to stress how the schools are, by their peculiar characteristics, a preferred place for immersion in these moral practices which foster democratic life experiences.
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DOI: 10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2016-373-323
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