Analysis of the schooling programs of 2-3 years old students in Primary and Childhood Education schools in Spain
early childhood education, early childhood care, acces to education, early schooling, equityAbstract
In the last two decades, the net enrolment rate in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education has increased almost fivefold. This expansion has occurred in all regions across the board, albeit with different magnitudes. Despite the progress made, the fact that the stage is voluntary and not free has led to significant differences associated with the socioeconomic and cultural level of the families. To overcome these barriers, all communities have implemented strategies of social tariffs, rebates, fee exemptions or free education to provide affordable school places. Likewise, one of the public policies that has been adopted in different Autonomous Communities are the programmes for the incorporation of students in the first cycle in Infant and Primary Education schools. These initiatives have focused especially on students aged 2-3 years, although there are also some initiatives that incorporate the entire cycle or the second and third year in schools. This article analyses the possibilities (and challenges) presented by this policy from a redistributive approach that guarantees equal opportunities and early childhood care as a right. To this end, in the light of current regulations, the conditions and scope of these programs are analysed to achieve the extension of the right to education and access to quality Early Childhood Education for all. It is concluded that these programs allow progress to be made in free education, to bet on universalist and stable policies over time, to promote co-teaching, to incorporate professionals in continuous training plans and to optimize existing investments, resources and facilities. On the contrary, it is necessary to adapt the spaces, preserve the identity of the stage and implement focused measures in favour of educational equity.
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