Instrucciones de envíos

Papers should be sent by e-mail to the following address: The address for postal communication is: Departamento de Derecho Constitucional (Revista de Derecho Político). Facultad de Derecho de la UNED. c/Obispo Trejo, s/n. 28040 MADRID.

1. The Revista de Derecho Político publishes original research papers on Constitutional Law, Public Law, State Theory and History of Constitutionalism.

2. Papers submitted for publication in the Revista de Derecho Político must be written in Spanish or English, must be unpublished and must not be pending publication in another journal. The Journal will use anti-plagiarism tools to guarantee the authorship and originality of the papers.

3. The document must be sent in Word format, single-spaced, in Times New Roman font size 12. The total length must not exceed 60,000 characters with spaces (alternatively, 50,000 characters without spaces, 10,000 words), including notes and appendices. As an exception to this rule, the Notes may not exceed half of this length.

4. It must be ensured that the text complies with the appropriate use of inclusive language (it is suggested to use some of the Guides and resources recommended by the UNED Equality Office). Likewise, information should be provided on whether the source data of the research takes gender into account, in order to allow for the identification of possible differences.

5. The title (with English translation) and the name(s) of the author(s), as well as, if applicable, their academic status (the first footnote should contain the author(s)' full contact details, postal address and e-mail address) should be indicated at the beginning of the paper. The ORCID code of the author(s) should also be included).Papers should include, in English and Spanish, in addition to the title, the abstract (i.e. the list of sections and subsections of the article) and three to five identifying keywords. In addition, the paper must be accompanied by an abstract, in Spanish and English, of between 400 and 500 words. This summary should reflect the sections of the article: state of the question, content and development of the research, and conclusions obtained. Finally, a bibliographic list must be sent with all the references used, either in the same document or in a separate document.

6. A sheet of paper for administrative purposes must also be included, on which the title of the work and the details of the author or authors (address, NIF, telephone and/or fax numbers, e-mail, academic situation and name of the scientific institution to which they belong) must be stated.

7. Notes and bibliographical references will be made in accordance with the following criteria, based on the UNE-ISO 690 standards: a) Books: Surname(s) of the author(s), Name (Year). Title of the book, city of publication, publisher, pages; b) Journals: Surname(s) of the author(s), Name (Year)."Title of the article. Name of the journal, number or volume, pages; c) Chapter or article in a book: Surname(s) of the author(s), Name (Year). "Title of the article or chapter", in Surname and first name of the author, editor or coordinator of the book, title of the book, city of publication, publisher, pages. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and in superscript format. A list of bibliographical references must be included at the end, to be included in the electronic version of the Journal.

8. Except in exceptional cases, proofs will be sent electronically to the authors to correct possible errors, but not to introduce changes in the text, so the papers must be submitted in their final version.

9. All papers received will be acknowledged. The Editorial Board will decide, within four months of acknowledgement of receipt, whether or not to publish the papers, on the basis of reports from at least two external, anonymous reviewers, using the "double-blind" method.For the preparation of the reports, the reviewers are provided with a form drawn up by the Editorial Board of the Journal.The author will be informed of the decision to publish and, if so, will be informed of the issue of the Revista de Derecho Político in which the work will be included. Publication may be subject to the introduction of changes with respect to the original version, in particular adaptation to the rules of publication.

10. Articles that are returned for not complying with the publication rules may be resubmitted once the appropriate modifications have been made.

11. The authors retain the copyright and non-exclusive exploitation rights of the works accepted for publication in the Revista de Derecho Político, grant the journal the right to be the first publication of the work and allow the journal to distribute the published works under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license. In the event of requests from third parties to reproduce or translate articles or parts thereof, the decision shall be taken by the Editorial Board.

12. The Revista de Derecho Político does not publish reviews or book reviews.

13. The opinions expressed in the signed articles are the sole responsibility of their authors. The publication of the different articles does not imply adherence or conformity of the Revista de Derecho Político with the opinions held by the authors.

14.The Revista de Derecho Político does not charge for the sending and receipt of articles, nor for their processing and editing.