Critical analysis of police retention on alcohol screening tests from a constitutional perspective


  • Valentín Guillén Pérez



Alcoholic screening tests; crime against road safety; police withholding; right to personal Liberty; deprivation of freedom


Despite the fact that police retention is not recognized in the Spanish procedural legal system, it brings concern and controversy to the conflict of rights that exist in this space. Considering retention, many of these factual situations —which, without constituting detention, suppose a deprivation of freedom— have a place and represent constitutional perspective. However, when we consider road safety, there is controversy that arises, especially when actions are taken to transfer the driver of a convicted vehicle to a police office location, to complete an alcoholic screening test. Additionally, it is important to recognize that no standard exists which considers this legal figure that has brought much controversy, mostly in crimes related to road safety. These legal conflicts are not trivial, only generating iregular or atypical actions that could cause discretionary actions. In accordance with the presentation made, we are obliged to speak and draw focus to the legal nature of police withholding, with an analysis from a critical point of view, using the constitutional prism which can legitimize the legal figure related to the alcoholic screening test.



1. PREVIOUS TERMS: PRESENTATION OF THE ISSUE. 2. POLICE RETENTION AND ITS LIMITATIONS ON THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM IN RELATION TO ALCOHOLIC SCREENING TESTS. 2.1. Background and its legal nature. 2.2. Simple police witholdings. 2.3. Police retention consisting of transferring to police units. 3. INADMISSIBILITY OF THE TERTIUM GENUS IN THE FIELD OF ROAD SAFETY. 3.1. Lack of legal provision. 3.2. Lack of evidences. 3.3. The role played by the acquiescence of the subject for the admissibility of the transfer. 3.4. The principle of proportionality and less distress for third parties. 3.5. The existence of an interest or public demand that justifies the transfer. 4. ADMISSIBILITY IN AN INVESTIGATION EX. ART. 379.2. 5. BY WAY OF CONCLUSION. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY


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Author Biography

Valentín Guillén Pérez

Doctor en Abogacía y Práctica Jurídica (UCAM), Subinspector de la Policía Local de San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia).


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How to Cite

Guillén Pérez, V. (2021). Critical analysis of police retention on alcohol screening tests from a constitutional perspective. Revista de Derecho Político, (111), 191–224.

