Some reflections on the last update of the right to be forgotten


  • Ángel Cobacho López University of Murcia



Internet, right to be forgotten, data protection, regulation, privacy


Talking about the irruption of the Internet as a trigger for a series of profound changes in our legal culture has already become a common place for this kind of research works. However, due to the inherent fluidity of the apps and services offered by the network, it has become necessary to take a close look at the effects that new technologies have caused in the configuration of our fundamental rights and our legal and political institutions. Along with the necessary updating of the forms of exercise of fundamental rights recognized by our Constitution, the Internet has led to the creation of new rights that, although they are based on pre-existing rights, involve an adaptation of classic constructions to the requirements of the new times. Among them, the right to be forgotten has a pre-eminent place, due to the number of studies it has caused and to the recent express recognition in the General Regulation of Data Protection, at European level. This Regulation has led to the repeal of the European Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of October 24, 1995, and the enactment of the new Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, about protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights. Despite the many questions that the interpretation and application of its many precepts still lay out, it is the first legal text directly applicable in Spain that refers by its name to the right to be forgotten, understood as the pretense of many Internet users that their data are removed from public view and scrutiny, regardless of whether or not their treatment has been consented.  This work will deal with an analysis of this new right of supression of data taking into account the most recent updates in its legal regime, after the entry into force of this Regulation and some pronouncements of Community and national courts, which are contributing to equip it of increasingly clear profiles. There is no doubt that, regarding the Internet, erected as a factor that is assuming an integral change of paradigm, not only legal, but also global, the response offered by Law can not manage without an as wide as possible approach, in order to offer satisfactory solutions to citizens for the growing number of risk situations they daily face, and to anticipate conflicts that may arise in the future.


1. Introduction: The Exercise of Fundamental Rights in the Technological Era. 2. The Right to be Forgotten in Spanish Law and in the New Community Framework. 2.1. The Legal Framework of the Right to Oblivion. 2.2. The Aepd and the Right to be Forgotten. 3. The Various Fields of Application of the Right to be Forgotten. 3.1. The Right to be Forgotten and the Search Engines and Digital Newspaper Libraries. 3.2. The Right to be Forgotten and the Social Networks. 4. Conclusions. 5. Bibliography. 


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Author Biography

Ángel Cobacho López, University of Murcia

Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Murcia, C/Santo Cristo, 1, 30001, Murcia.


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How to Cite

Cobacho López, Ángel. (2019). Some reflections on the last update of the right to be forgotten. Revista de Derecho Político, 1(104), 197–227.

