Politic construction of the European Union and the constituent power


  • Gaëlle Marti




constituent power, federation of States, European people,


This paper aims at analyzing the use of the concept of «constituent power» in the context of European integration. The thesis is that the constituent power is the «forgotten» of European integration, since this legal order was built and acquired a political and constitutional dimension without any action attributable to an European demos. Indeed, it is under the combined action of the member States (as «masters of the Treaties») and of European institutions (especially the European Court of justice) that the process of «constitutionnalization» has developed itself endogenously. It is generally argued that the lack of «constituent power» illustrates the fact that the EU has not yet crossed the «state threshold», since this concept was historically shaped within the nation-state framework. However, we believe that the eviction of the concept of constituent power is not a theoretical necessity but that it stems from a political choice, due to the fear that the adoption of a European constitution by a European people could result in the disappearance of the states. However, we think that there is no conceptual need to limit the concept of constituent power to the state field. In other words, we assume that the concept of constituent power could be transposed into the European field and, moreover, that this prospect could be essential in the view of bridging the «democratic deficit» of the European Union. The model of the «Federation of States» could be used to sketch a European constituent power respectful of the existence of the nation-states.


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How to Cite

Marti, G. (2013). Politic construction of the European Union and the constituent power. Teoría y Realidad Constitucional, (32), 309–322. https://doi.org/10.5944/trc.32.2013.11791