Entrenamiento ejecutivo en población infantil con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH): Una revisión sistemática
Executive training in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A systematic review
ADHD, executive functions, cognitive training, physical exercise, neurofeedbackAbstract
The aim of this systematic review was to examine randomized clinical trial (RCT) studies that evaluate nonpharmacological interventions to improve executive functions in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) without comorbidity. A systematic search of the literature was conducted using PubMed, ERIC, Web of Science, PyscINFO, Dialnet and Cochrane. A total of 948 published studies were identified and 15 of them were included in the review. All executive training programs for this population were examined and the most effective interventions were found to be based on cognitive training programs. Interventions based on physical exercise and neurofeedback were also found. These programs can improve not only executive components, but also other variables related to daily functioning.